What is keeping you from answering this: Do you have a body, soul (mind, emotion, will), and spirit?
@Duran: Why would you ask me this since I am the one who posted the scriptures that claims this is how we are constructed?
This is simply nonsense. The nature of Christ and his relationship with God was a
matter of contention which split early Christianity into diverse sects
There have always been heretics, malcontents, and cult followers trying to infiltrate Christians since the beginning. They do not, nor have ever represented Christians. The early church elders wrote thousands of pages of information to each other to combat their influence. I own a complete set of their writings - 12 hard-bound volumes.
Why not take the time to read them? Virtually the entire NT bible can be reconstructed from just their writings alone. From it, you can learn how Christians used certain verses that heretics in our day claim are false or misused.
One of the things you can learn from their writings is that from the beginning believers received Jesus as God. There is simply no other conclusion to come to after reading their letters to one another.
If we were alive in the first century and we witnessed a man claim he would resurrect himself from the dead, and then after he did that, publically proclaim that he posessed "all power in heaven and earth".... it would be very hard to dismiss.
How can a person dismiss the claims of a person who resurrected himself from the dead... while he was dead?
This is the key feature that "set the woods on fire" with Christianity. It swept across the Roman empire like a Tsunami. It was by far the greatest feat ever witnessed on this planet, and remains so to this very day.
Only the Creator would be able to do this. This is the context that must be considered when examining statements about Jesus' divinity. Jesus is either God, or a liar. But, he cannot be both. Each person must decide which side they are on.